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Learning Center

Interactive Wastewater Training - 2025

The following are ten 90 minute training sessions available at NO COST to operators, managers and engineers. 
For those certified in OR, WA, ID, NV or HI; Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or Professional Development Hours (PDHs) are available when participants meet award requirements. Those certified in other states may attend Free but are not awarded CEUs/PDHs.
Select:  VIEW MORE to see sample SLIDES and EXAMPLE QUESTIONS participants should be able to answer after attending the session and mentor followup.
To register: Send request to:
EMAIL:  or  TEXT:  971-563-7471

 FOR ALL, Include the following in your request:

  1. Participant Name (also zoom name if different)

  2. Participant City/State    

  3. Contact Email and Phone

  4. Employer

 FOR CEUs/PDHs, also include the following:

  1. Certifying Organization

  2. Certification State    

  3. Certification Number 

 Registration will be for all ten 1.5-hour (90 min) classes.   Credits are awarded based on actual class time.  Attendance will be taken during each class. 

Questions:  Scroll to Bottom for Q/A  

If 3 or less at an organization are interested, then sign up as "individuals".  However where more than 3 individuals at an organization are interested in attending then please arrange for a "classroom" station.  For more on Classroom,   see Q/A # 6 at bottom of site.
1.  Wastewater Treatment Basics
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Introduces participants to the broad picture of wastewater treatment starting with wastewater sources and characteristics. Clearly describes the function of each step in wastewater treatment and gives pictures or examples of equipment often used in both liquid and solids treatment. Presents basic information on percent removal and treatment performance.

Scheduled:  Thu 6 Feb 2025 at 10:30 am PST
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
2. Introduction to Biological Treatment
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Discusses the evolution of biological wastewater treatment from lagoons to membrane biological reactors (MBRs). Covers fixed film reactors (trickling filters-TF’s) and related processes.  Simplified flow schematics and photographs of primary equipment are provided.  Attendees will understand acceptable loading rates and limitations of commonly used biological treatment processes.

Scheduled:  Thu 13 Feb 2025 at 10:30 am PST
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
3.  Operation of Activated Sludge
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Conveyed will be a clear understanding of the activated sludge process, process control, monitoring equipment, and troubleshooting including determining the effects of changing WAS and RAS rates.  Participants will become familiar with treatment units and components of activated sludge.  They should be able to grasp the acceptable range and use of parameters such as: food-to-microorganism (F/M) ratio, respiration rate, and the mean cell retention time (MCRT). 

Scheduled:  Thu 20 Feb 2025 at 10:30 am PDT
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
4. Operation of Trickling Filters and Related Processes
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The effects of media choice on TF performance will be discussed.  Recent advances in flushing techniques using hydraulic and mechanical drives are presented.  Methods for calculating dosing/flushing rates are given.  Case histories of plants successfully dealing with nuisance organisms and odor control are discussed.  Operators of combined plants such as TF solids contact or TF activated sludge will learn the strength of each portion of their plant.

Scheduled:  Thu 27 Feb 2025 at 10:30 am PDT
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
5. Natural Treatment Systems
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Learn how to incorporate “Natural” systems as an integral part of a wastewater treatment and reuse strategy.  This session is especially suited for small to moderate sized facilities where land may be available. Natural systems include alternatives which depend primarily on natural biological reactions for treatment rather than relying on the use of mechanical equipment or the addition of chemicals. Presented are the basics of natural systems. Learn what can be expected from natural systems and where the limitations are. Presented are case history information on natural systems.

Scheduled:  Thu 6 Mar 2025 at 10:30 am PDT
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
6.  Biological Nutrient Removal 
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Attendees will learn the impact of nutrients (nitrogen-N and phosphorus-P) on the environment and on human health. Common biological processes for removing nitrogen and phosphorus will be described. Factors that affect the ability to accomplish nutrient removal will be covered such as water temperature, alkalinity and wastewater characteristics. Case histories of successful nutrient removal will be presented.  Methods of coping with floating solids and foam that often occur with nutrient removal will be discussed.

Scheduled:  Thu 13 Mar 2025 at 10:30 am PDT
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
7.  New and Emerging Wastewater Technology
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Many plants need to modernize or upgrade because of capacity issues or the need to meet new treatment standards.  New technologies are finding greater acceptance in order to upgrade/modernize and save space or energy.  Participants in this session will learn about membrane bioreactors (MBRs) that produce high-quality effluent without the use of clarifiers.    Given will be descriptions, design criteria and performance when converting activated sludge to moving bed bioreactors (MBBR) or integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS).  Experiences from case histories will allow participants to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the emerging technologies.  

Scheduled:  Thu 20 Mar 2025 at 10:30 am PDT
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
8. Aeration and Power Consumption
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Next to effluent quality, energy conservation and wise selection of aeration equipment are often of major concern at the wastewater treatment plant.  Participants will learn in which parts of the plant energy use is the highest and where the greatest gains can be made to reduce power cost.   You will be able to calculate energy requirements based on BOD and nutrient loads.  Attendees will learn how to estimate air and power requirements for various types of aeration equipment.  The differences between field and standard oxygen demand will be explained.  Participants will be better prepared when procuring aeration equipment.

Scheduled:  Thu 27 Mar 2025 at 10:30 am PDT
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
9.  Foam and Bulking Sludge Control
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Much information can be gained by observing the secondary clarifier as to what type of solids are floating on the water surface.  Participants will see examples of various types of visible solids near or at the surface of the secondary clarifier.  Microscopic examination of indicator organisms will also be discussed.  Examples of modifications to reactors that minimize foaming and bulking sludge will be presented. 

Scheduled:  Thu 3 Apr 2025 at 10:30 am PDT
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
10. Case Histories in Wastewater Treatment
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Training whether it be to engineers/managers (Photo) or to operational staff is best done by those who have hands-on-experience.

This session presents operator developed descriptions of their wastewater treatment plant including pros & cons of processes operation.  Included are owner/operator experiences of startup, day-to-day operation and troubleshooting plant problems.

Case histories are given of exemplary wastewater treatment plants using slides and words from the operators and engineers responsible for plant operation.

Scheduled:  Thu 10 Apr 2025 at 10:30 am PDT
For CEUs or PDHs include in your registration items listed in Box at top of page
Answers to Common Questions:
Find your answers by selecting the Q below or email John Harrison (JRH) at  
  • 1. After Registering -What's Next?
    About 1 week before the Session you will be sent a zoom link. Unless you want CEUs or PHDs your all done. Individuals wishing CEUs or PDHs - please reply with the following information: 1. Full Name and Zoom Name if different: 2. Organization or Agency: 3. Participant Location (State & City): 4. For your "Certification of Completion" - should hours be CEUs or PDHs? 5. Certification Organization and Your Certification Number 6. If Questions Arise - a Business Phone or Cell: 7. If more than one (1) person is at the Zoom Location - see Q/A # 6.
  • 2. If I REGISTER now, what am I obligated for and what happens if I find out there is a future time conflict?"
    We realize things can change - no problem. About 3 days before the Session you will be sent a reminder and the Zoom Link. You can let us know at that time of the change. If things change on the day of the session, again - no problem. In either case you will be sent an invitation in the following zoom class to see if there is still interest in attending the session.
  • 3. What if several participants want to join the Session in a Plant Training Room or Office?
    That is fine. However, to receive Contact Credit Hours a qualified Lead Participant (Training Coordinator) must be given prior appoval by JRH. Email JRH with the request for "Classroom" Training giving the Name, Title, Organization/Agency, Email, and business phone. The Training Coordinator will be sent necessary documentation to award all in attendance their credits. See Q/A # 6. Only the Training Coordinator need apply for the Zoom Session. The Training Coordinator will be sent a Sign-in Sheet and instructions. The Training Coordinator should be a lead Professional Environmental or Engineer/Operator who will be present during the Training Session.
  • 4. What will I receive upon completion of the Training Session?
    Participants certified in OR, WA, ID, NV or HI who complete the any of the classes will receive a "Certificate of Completion" with Contact Hours awarded. The Certificate will contain the Session title and Participants: Name, Registration type/number and contact information. The awards will be based on actual number of hours attended and verified. This means that if 10 hours (10 sessions) of class are attended, then 10 Contact Hours (1.0 CEUs) will be awarded. If 2 hours of class are attended, the 2 Contact Hours (0.2 CEUs) will be awarded. The maximum award hours for 2024 is 15 hours or 1.5 CEUs.
  • 5. Who keeps the CEU or PDH awards and will they be recognized by my state license board?
    A record of the training award will be maintained by JRH Consulting and also sent to the CEU certification boards in these west coast states: OR, WA, ID, NV and HI. For those who live outside the west coast or desire PDHs, award verification will be available to your licensing board upon request through JRH Consulting. Acceptance of the award is the sole decision of the local state licensing board. Pre-approvals have been requested in the states of: OR, WA, ID, NV and HI.
  • 6. Is Classroom registration for us and what is involved?
    If several operators/engineers want to attend using a Classroom approach then a “Training Coordinator” will be designated. The Training Coordinator must have senior authority and preferably be a registered environmental professional. The Coordinator takes on additional duties including overseeing attendance, completion of a signup sheet and verifying attendance. An signup roster and instructions will be sent to the Training Coordinator. Individual registration is NOT required with the Classroom approach. The Training Coordinator must be registered.
  • 7. How is attendance verified?
    A 2-fold verification procedure will be used. First, the Zoom log on/off reports will be used to see who is logged on and for how long. Second, during the event a verification code will visually be made available to participants during each Zoom Session. To be awarded CEUs the verification code must be emailed back to the instructor within 1-hour from the end of the class.
  • 8. What must I do to receive CEUs or Contact Hour Credits?
    For those certified in OR, WA, ID, NV or HI, credit will be given for the time actually spent in class when requirements in Q/A above (1 through 7) are followed. These include: Preregistration/Approval for the Class Return of a Verification Code (confirming active attention) within 1-hour of completing the class. Answering a few simple questions regarding class content.
  • 9. Why are CEUs/PDHs offered only in OR, WA, ID, NV and HI?
    Attendance to the classes is open to ALL (regardless of location). However, attendance in 2024 was so great that grading of quizzes and confirming attendance consumed an excessive amount of time. Limiting CEU/PDH awards to OR, WA, ID, NV and HI will reduce the administrative effort and allow more effort to be placed on the quality of instruction.
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